Cries of Freedom Educational Curriculum – Printed Version
Curriculum Overview
There is 839 pages and three parts to Cries of Freedom:
1. The Teacher Edition
2. The Official Freedom Bowl Competition Manual
3. The Student Edition
Within the Teacher Edition and the Student Edition is an Art History and Document History section that provides relevant information on the Freedom Gallery images.
This educational program uses readers’ theaters, activities, and a full menu of assessment tools to introduce the people, principles, and documents that have created the first free society in modern times. It is literally a six-act play that involves the student in a new and interactive way that is sure to captivate their attention. Students internalize information taught in relevant and exciting ways. When students are informed and inspired about America, they are more likely to defend the principles of freedom that have given us the liberty we now enjoy. Cries of Freedom is a proven method that returns students to their roots of freedom.
Here is what one 5th grade teacher said about Cries of Freedom:
“Cries of Freedom is great because it personalizes the founding of America in a way students easily relate to. It makes students feel like American history is real and relevant.” T. Crandall — Orem, Utah
Not only is Cries of Freedom a fascinating way to present early American history, it also promotes great language arts training because the students are reading and dramatizing all of the historical events. The safe environment of our readers’ theaters gives your students the self-confidence to stand in front of the
class and vocalize their love of America!
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