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The Cries of Freedom Story

The musical has evolved over the years, but the message is still the same as it was in the beginning — “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”  Its first year was 2008 when Bonnie and Scott wrote and performed it in SCERA Park as part of the Freedom Festival. They added a “Walk of Freedom” in 2010 and experimented with other things to make the experience more meaningful for the participants. They then performed for 10 years over a 3-day period in SCERA Park during the 4th of July holiday as part of the Freedom Festival. In 2014 Scott’s wife, Leann, joined the production team as music director. The sweltering heat, microbursts, bugs and dirt finally got to them but thankfully, in 2018 Adam Robertson let them begin to use the theater in SCERA Center for the Arts. What a God-send! A beautiful building that was on the land that Scott’s family owned for some 50 years. SCERA has great meaning for Scott’s family and the entire community! 

Cries of Freedom has become a yearly event giving a cast of young people the opportunity to not only share their talents, but to enrich their lives and the lives of others with the patriotism and passion they feel for our country and freedom.

Finally, in 2023, after 16 years of blood, sweat and tears, Bonnie Busco retired and Krista Johannesmeyer became the director. Krista is super talented and passionate about America and American History. She recently graduated from BYU with a degree in History and has performed with Cries of Freedom for over a decade. She currently teaches 8th grade at the American Heritage private school in American Fork. 

This show is something Scott, Bonnie, Leann and Krista have come to love as it is an important part of their lives. They love the performers, the audiences and freedom!

The Cries of Freedom cast and production team hope you will feel the spirit of those who fought and died for liberty during their lives and in their own way. They hope you will see freedom in a different way and a little more deeply. Please enjoy the show, Cries of Freedom!

This event could not be done without the kindness of Adam Robertson and SCERA Center for the Arts, Provo’s Freedom Festival, and the Orem CARE Tax. 

We LOVE all of the members of our cast who come back year after year to perform this inspiring production. It is truly moving for the cast and the audiences!

They are filled with energy and enthusiasm! It’s the message that inspires them.

Some moments are solemn and very moving.

Our cast is willing to fight for their freedom!

You can watch videos of our shows from 2008 to the present on our YouTube page. Please contact us if you would like to perform our show in your community.